Day 99

I didn’t write a poem or an entry yesterday because i didn’t like the prompt.  I don’t like the prompt today either.  Ugh.  This year’s prompts are less interesting, apparently.  Or they speak to me less.

But I had a terrible dream last night that I think might have been affected by the Boston marathon trial going on right now, and that’s burning a hole in my brain.  So maybe blogging will help.  Fawn says she hopes I find some peace. I hope I find some too.  Can poetry help?

Finding Peace: Three Haiku

The first year he cried
Watching runners on Beacon
Tsarnaev’s on trial.

Still cold and wet here
Three years ago birthed my son
Daffodils come up

Bread of affliction
Four years ago bombs went off
May next year yield peace.

~ by realsupergirl on April 9, 2015.

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